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Kvinna som behandlas med cryo


The Cryo T-Shock machine uses an innovative combination of heat and cold, and has become a leading therapy to make your facial skin and cheek smoother and firmer.

The treatment uses hyperthermia (heat) as well as cryotherapy (cold) in a temperate and controlled way to stimulate cellular activity as well as collagen production.


Cryo T-Shock will give you a so called Thermal Shock, where the combination of heat and cold gives your skin an immediate lustre and a natural lift. Heat increases the production of collagen, improving skin elasticity, while cold makes the skin firmer and smoother.

The skin’s serum will become solid, almost wax-like, protecting the skin’s microbes during temperatures below 9 degrees and making the skin more resilient. The vascular walls are improved since they expand from the heat and retract from the cold. The therapy will increase cellular renewal and activate your skin, creating an immediate lift and a smoother skin.

And the best of all; these therapies can be combined infinitely.


This treatment is completely safe, without any known side effects. A few clients has experienced a slight blush as well as some numbness after the treatment, but this normally disappears after a few days.


  • Non-surgical and painless
  • No dangerous chemicals
  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves muscle inflammation
  • Stimulates collagen and skin elasticity
  • Often visible results after the first treatment
  • Broadly tested in Europa and USA


Cryo T-Shock Firming - 50 min

When you want to make your chin and jawline firmer and more defined and reduce loose skin under your chin. We combine Cryo T-Shock with massage.

Price: SEK 1 695

Cryo T-Shock Glow 'N Gow - 50 min

Heat increases the collagen production, which makes your skin agile. Cold makes your skin firmer and smoother. Unique and custom made therapies for various problems and skin types.

  • Defining of chin and jawline
  • Smoother skin and cellular renewal
  • Firming, glow and lift
  • Increased production of collagen

Price: SEK 1 695


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