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En bild som blickar ut över Tylösand strand och havet


Welcome to Hotel Tylösand’s largest and most time-honoured restaurant, open all year. Here our innovative food-creator Henrik Andersson offers an international à la carte menu with its own twist, and carefully chosen ingredients from land and sea.

With the Kattegat sea and the Tylösand beach as a constant majestic panorama, we dare to promise you the best possible atmosphere for an inspiring food experience on the Swedish west coast.

During weekends and the whole summer season, we offer live music entertainment in the restaurant.


All year for breakfast, lunch and dinner (except for christmas)


Summer Buffet from Sea & Land

June 29-July 29

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday from 6 PM

(July 27 from 5 PM)

Tylösand's Rock'n Roll Buffet

July 2-July 30

Wednesdays från 5 PM

À la carte

June 27 - August 3

Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 6 PM

(July 26 from 5 PM)

Children's Buffet daily


See our à la carte menu HERE.

See our three-course dinner menu HERE.


Book a table thru our webb site or call +46 35 333 05.

Psst! Our restaurants, bars and spa are cashless for maximum safety. Thanks for paying with your card.

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